Bone Fractures Commentary

Calcium fluoride vs sodium fluoride: errors in confused research paper

Publication reviewed: Physiologic Conditions Affect Toxicity of Ingested Industrial Fluoride Sauerheber R — J Environ Public Health. 2013; Article ID 439490 A review of the paper authored by Sauerheber was conducted by Dr. Gary Whitford, School of Dentistry, Medical College of Georgia. This resource outlines Dr. Whitford’s comments, including on errors and misconceptions from Sauerherber’s paper […]

Appraisal Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Fluoride studies in rats – an example of weak research

Publication reviewed: Neurodegenerative changes in different regions of brain, spinal cord and sciatic nerve of rats treated with sodium fluoride Reddy PY, Reddy KP, Kumar KP — J Med Allied Sci. 2011;1(1):30-5 Dr. Gary Whitford, author of The Metabolism and Toxicity of Fluoride, appraised an example of weak research in fluoride studies in rats. WHAT […]