Dental Caries Interview

Environmental and Policy Changes vs. Changing Individual’s Behavior

Dr. Scott Tomar of the University of Florida College of Dentistry discusses the effectiveness of community water fluoridation in providing access to dental health and saving money. Transcript One of the principles of public health is we want to create a situation where the default behavior is conducive to preventing disease and promoting health. And water […]

Dental Caries Interview

Community Water Fluoridation & Caries Prevention in Adults

Dr. Gary Slade of UNC School of Dentistry describes his study on the effects of fluoridation on dental caries in Australian adults and discusses implications for the U.S. population and cost-benefit calculations of community water fluoridation. Transcript I’m Gary Slade. I’m a professor in the School of Dentistry at University of North Carolina at Chapel […]

Bone Cancer Interview

Osteosarcoma & Fluoridation: Is There a Connection?

Dr. Hayes discusses what her study and previous studies say about the linkage in question. Transcript In science, we’re trying to determine what is, what is the truth. What is the real relationship between fluoride and osteosarcoma? There was a question raised in the early 90s from an animal study and what they found was […]

Interview Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Fluoride & Neurotoxicity

Dr. Gary Whitford of the Georgia Health Sciences University discusses findings on fluoride’s effects on learning and memory. Transcript There is no reason to think that there’s any effect of typical fluoride exposure that we have here in the United States on neurological development, including the ability to learn or remember well.  We performed a […]

Infant Formula Interview

Fluoridated Water for Babies

Infant formula and fluoridated water – an explanation of fluoridated water for babies from Dr. Gary M. Whitford, Georgia Health Sciences University. Transcript of fluoridated water for babies interview There’s no mystery about fluoride working as an anti-decay agent. It’s an amazing agent and it saved billions upon billions upon billions of dollars in dental […]

Enamel Fluorosis Interview

Mottled Enamel: Putting Fluorosis in Context

Excerpts from an interview on fluorosis, historically known as mottled enamel, with Dr. Steven M. Levy, University of Iowa College of Dentistry. Transcript from interview with Dr. Levy about mottled enamel Mild dental fluorosis is a very subtle change in the appearance of the tooth. It occurs from having some changes under the surface to […]